Monday, March 8, 2021

Paul Conant, writer

Dr. Gatskill's Blue Shoes

By Paul Conant

New York Police Detective Peter Hanley grapples with his biggest mystery ever: himself.  A crisply written puzzler  on the "gaslighting" theme.

Little Killer

By Gene Paul (Paul Conant)

Gene Paul has done more than tell a swift compelling story of hoodlumism and brutality—he has also told an important story.It is important in its terrible discovery of what makes the twisted brains work in the little killers. It is important as long as little killers are spawned and misdirected and allowed to run amok…Little Killer is a book you won't be able to forget.

Its author, Gene Paul, is a writer you cannot afford to ignore.

Naked in the Dark

By Gene Paul (Paul Conant)

He was DYNAMITE and she was the FUSE. First there was Viola, offering Stet her sweet flesh in the cabin of the ship, all across the whole dark Atlantic. And then she pointed a gun at Stet's belly. There was Marguerite, teasing him, inflaming him, possessing him. And then she cheated on him, with a man Stet was told he could trust.

Finally, there was Nancy-Lee. She made no display, tried no tricks. She was all innocence and ice. And she was the deadliest of all.

Four colors suffice. Short proof

Terms 1 : A region is a submap, as in R ⊆ M . A country, as in C ∈ M and possibly C ∈ R i , is an atomic element of a map. The ...